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Eyelash Extension Care
-Keep your lashes dry for the first 24 hours
-Book a fill appointment every 2-3 weeks
-Use a soft eyelash spool to brush through your lashes
-Use a lash shampoo to gently wash your lashes
-Use only lint-free accessories
- Use only oil-free products on and around the eyes
-Sleep on your back or your side
-Always wait for lashes to be completely dry before brushing
-Avoid heat or steam near your lashes
-Be careful under heavy showers
-Do not use mascara
-Don't pull or rub your eyelashes
-Never try to remove your extensions yourself
-Do not use an eyelash curler
-Never sleep with makeup on
-Do not perm or tint your lashes
-Avoid brushing to close to the lash root/glue bonds
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